Monday, January 5, 2015

Wrong About Harassment

Not that long ago, a certain type of man could be arrested, beaten or hung for looking at a certain type of woman as she walked in public. Now that we’re removed from those days, I don’t feel comfortable with people frivolously saying men don’t have “the right” to say words to woman in passing. I certainly don’t feel comfortable with those often non-threatening words being called street harassment.  We shouldn't promote women’s rights by taking rights away from men. That isn't equality. That isn't feminism.

The truth is, “hollering” and “hello beautiful” are successful techniques to attract some females. A man doesn't know if you’re that type until he tries it and fails. Another truth, unwanted, uninvited and unsolicited male attention toward a female is the premise of many very successful romantic movies. Boy sees girls, boy talks to girl without provocation, girl is uninterested, boy is persistent and wins girl over, girl regrets not giving boy a chance sooner. Hey look, more truth. Positive K got a “no, I’m not having it” when he would “excuse me, Miss.” However, women did “pardon his manners” when Ray J asked “sexy can I…” Let’s not forget the often imitated and duplicated "Baby It's Cold Outside. And 10 pickup lines in Country music. And 20 best pick up lines in Hip-HopHunters and gatherers. Wolves and mice. Men and women. Old as time.

It is up to the individual to give weight and value to the words a person says. If a stranger is says something we don’t agree with, we are absolutely allowed to react how we feel is appropriate. But we are absolutely not allowed to minimize the rights and freedoms of others because we just don’t like stuff. Whitney Houston said, “It’s not right, but it’s ok. I’m gonna make it anyway.” She also asked Barbra Walters to produce the receipts for her crack purchases. That was funny as hell. But I digress, *ahem* Hitting on a woman walking down the street isn't the right thing to do according to some people’s perspectives, but it is ok. She’s going to make it anyway.

The division of men and women under the guise of equality and feminism is harmful to society. We do need each other. Just like how it takes all races and ethnicities working together to refute the logic of racism, it takes men of all types and women of all types, working together, to refute the logic of gender inequality. Separating ourselves with labels is part of the disease, not the cure.

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