Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wrong Baby Daddy

Should there be legal consequences for women who lie about who fathered their child to receive benefits/child support? I say, absolutely YES. 

DNA Proves Man Isn't Father, Still Owes 30k

The Family Court and Child Support system is a bias system, stacked in favor of women. In 100% of the cases, the child is automatically the mother's to lose. And apparently, the defendant doesn't even have to be the biological father anymore. What part of the game is that?!?

If a woman lies about who her child's father is and receives child support, that same system should garnish her wages or make her ineligible to receive benefits until she repays the man she harmed. I think this is entirely fair because she is the ONLY person who knows exactly where her vagina has been and who has been in it. When a woman lies about paternity, it isn't an accident. It isn't innocent. It is an intentional series of decisions. It's malicious and harmful to the man she involves and to the child who is being deprived of a relationship with his father. If she's lying about who the father is, what man does she have around the kid? Women have zero right to determine a man does not deserve to see/know his child because the relationship ended or never was. 

The child support forms are bogus too. You can just name who you want to be the parent with zero accountability.

I think the child support form should have two simple integrity questions for the protection of mothers, fathers and non-fathers: 
     1. Who do you reasonably suspect to be the father of child X? 
     2. Do you reasonably suspect any other man/men of having fathered child X?
note: "reasonable suspicion" is defined as having had intercourse within 30 days of conception. 

How much different would the system be if these questions were either on the child support form, or another declaration type of form filled out at the time of birth. I think a declaration type of form would be ideal for married couples too. Husbands are royally screwed if their woman gets knocked up by another dude because the law automatically says he is the father of, and has to pay for, all offspring produced during the marriage. At least a form like this could maybe help him win restitution in a civil court if it came down to it.

The child support system was created during a time when women stayed at home while their husbands worked. It would be an unfair disservice for a child to go without in the event of divorce, so the courts made it so the child is rightfully provided for. It today's world, child support is a weapon wielded by scorned, gold-digging, and lazy women. Something has to be done to make it about the children and not just about the money. Men who haven't fathered children should not be facing garnishments and possible jail time because they had sex with someone once, or didn't, in some cases.

Now, some hit dogs will holler, "it's the system, if I want benefits then I have to let them go after someone for child support. I have to feed my kid somehow." Or, "if I let the system go after the father for child support, then we might not get back together." And to that I say, "Blow it out of our ass." Neither of those things are the innocent person's problem. Take responsibility and ownership for your life choices. Be a woman about it.

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