Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wrong To Bear Black Arms

I want to start by saying, I know the 2nd Amendment does not protect these two assholes.

But it does put these toy guns on the shelves. And the reaction to citizens playing with toy guns is significant. When 22 year old John Crawford III played with a toy rifle in Walmart, he died. Walmart security footage shows, he never even held it in a firing position.

The 2nd Amendment--Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791. White people were given guns through law, by their government. Blacks were still property. The 13th Amendment wasn't passed by Congress until 1865. Before and after on-the-books slavery was abolished, who do you think the people used their guns to "protect" themselves from? Exactly.

Blacks were not considered part of "the people" when the 2nd Amendment or any part of this cuntry was established. That was not a typo. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863, specifically called upon *freed slaves* to enlist in the Union cause as a resource, not as part of "the people". Guns were put into black hands, not to protect themselves and property, but to protect white people and property. Not much has changed, uh officer? Wow, didn't know I felt that way until I wrote it.


In my opinion, today's perspective is still that America never specifically granted blacks the right to bear arms. There is a trust and consideration given to armed white people that isn't given to to armed black people. When a black man is even thought to be armed, "they" are now armed and the tie is broken by who shoots first.

If America's said, "look guys, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is only 50 years old. It is unrealistic to expect the indifference, hate and fear that was cultivated since our conception to suddenly disappear. We acknowledge things between classes and races are not yet fair and equal. But we are working through it", AND THEN things started to change, it would mean something.

Seems like when a black person shoots and kills an armed or unarmed black person, there is a clear victim and perpetrator.

When a black person shoots and kills a white person, there is an unclear victim and perpetrator.

When a white person shoots and kills a white person, there are two victims.

When a white person shoots and kills an unarmed black person, nothing is clear.

Fun Facts:

On June 15, 1864, the House of Representatives initially defeated the 13th Amendment by a vote of 93 in favor, 65 opposed, and 23 not voting, which is less than the two-thirds majority needed to pass a Constitutional Amendment.

President Kennedy On June 11, 1963, met with the Republican leaders to discuss the legislation of a new Civil Rights Act that emulated the original Civil Rights Act of 1875. And that took two years and him being shot in the face to pass Congress.

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