Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wrong Baby Daddy

Should there be legal consequences for women who lie about who fathered their child to receive benefits/child support? I say, absolutely YES. 

DNA Proves Man Isn't Father, Still Owes 30k

The Family Court and Child Support system is a bias system, stacked in favor of women. In 100% of the cases, the child is automatically the mother's to lose. And apparently, the defendant doesn't even have to be the biological father anymore. What part of the game is that?!?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Wrong History Month

Black History month is depressing for me at times. I don't think people understand what it is like to live in a country alongside people who look like our villains. Blacks in America don't have a Hitler or Auschwitz. There is no one face or name responsible for hanging, burning, raping, and killing my ancestors. It didn't happen in one place. It happened in the country I still live in and on land I've probably passed through.

Think about this, if a parent names their kid Adolf or if a teen gets a tattoo of numbers on their forearm, or if a Prince of England dresses like Hitler, they would be immediately shamed for being insensitive and making light of an atrocity. Then people would check with their nearest Jew to make sure they haven't been offended or triggered.

We only have "some white people", and unfortunately, the racist white people don't all make distinct fashion choices like a tiny a mustache or hoods that accentuates the face. The white people who hurt us look exactly like the ones who didn't. Black people are told, "not all white people are like that so you're the racist if you're scared of white people" or "that was so long ago, get over it." Would you tell a Holocaust survivor or their descendant to just get over it? If a hose or dogs or teargas is used during a peaceful protest nowadays, do you "wellness-check" your black friends? Why or Why not?


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wrong About Trayvon

Trayvon Benjamin Martin
February 5, 1995 - February 26, 2012

My heart feels so heavy right now. I keep trying to write something from my brain, but I'm very caught up in my feels. So, let me start by stating the obvious, Trayvon should have turned 20 today, because this is fucking America!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Heart in the Wrong Place?

Does it make me an asshole to feel for this chick?

Here is my argument: 
A woman who has proven that she'll make bad decisions in desperate situations was handed tens of thousands of dollars and was told to set up a trust fund for her kids. She has never had that kind of money before and no real education on what to do with it. Is it really any surprised that she effed this up? Has anyone tried to explain the concept of a savings, interest, 401k or trust funds to a financially uneducated person? You might as well just masturbate instead. If you're going to waste 100% of your time doing something that ends up being of no benefit to anyone but you, just touch yourself.  

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wrong Headlines

You know, at first I was outraged at this video. I still am, that was just my first reaction. Then I was a bit peeved by these headlines:
From the headlines alone, I don't know the race of the officer. I don't even know what race a "citizen" is supposed to be. A citizen could be, like, anybody! Why wasn't this article titled, "White Sheriff Slaps White Youth?