Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wrong Headlines

You know, at first I was outraged at this video. I still am, that was just my first reaction. Then I was a bit peeved by these headlines:
From the headlines alone, I don't know the race of the officer. I don't even know what race a "citizen" is supposed to be. A citizen could be, like, anybody! Why wasn't this article titled, "White Sheriff Slaps White Youth?

The media's choice to eff with our emotions by adding or omitting race is woefully played out. "Black Kid Shot, Killed by White Officer" makes the injustice a black problem for black people and the non-blacks who love them. It is a headline that goes straight for the feels and not the thinker. Emotionally riled up people are easier to dismiss because they're "mad". When police officers abuse their authority by physically intimidating, harming and even killing citizens, it is an injustice that should not be tolerated by any person of any race. If there were more "Cop Shoots, Kills Citizen" headlines, people would start to question wtf is going on because the abuse of power pattern would be more evident. Readers would begin to identify with the citizen, since they are also citizens. 

"I hate black pepper."
Mark my words. The very instant a controversial celebrity or political target says #BlackLivesMatter, the media will flood our feeds and the news with police misconduct videos starring "Officer Self-Hatred" and white citizens. The intention would be to create an "A-HA!--they do it too" moment. Because police misconduct can't be a racial thing if black cops are doing it too, right? Riiiiiight. I've even read several articles asking why Kanye West has not spoken publicly about Ferguson and if that makes him a sellout. Uhhh, why hasn't Bono or Angelina Jolie spoken publicly about Ferguson? Does their absence make them less of a Humanitarian? Why aren't non-black activists being called to speak out about this barely racial issue? Why wasn't the headline to the Saratoga video "White Cop Smacks White Youth"? I think it is because The Powers That Be know #BlackLivesMatter is just the tip of a huge #AllLivesMatter penis and they're trying not to get effed in the a. The top 2% CAN NOT have the other 98% uniting with each other against The Powers. 

The choice to headline the ethnicity of a person is racist and bias as fuck. And by "fuck" I mean in accordance to the Framing Theory regarding mass communications. Race is America's "banana in the tailpipe" and the media knows exactly how get people to fall for it. Do you want a banana in your tailpipe? Well then, do not allow the media to continue to divide us as people. All citizens need to watch each other's backs for bananas. We need more raw civilian videos of right and wrong police encounters. We need less videos where a pretty person is telling us what video will depict while saying, "oh oh, did you see that? Here is how you feel about it."  

Those who use their authority and power to violate the civil liberties of citizens are the "them". The citizens who have their civil liberties violated are the "us". The individuals on both sides are of all races. Guard against the banana! 

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